Health Research Institute (HRI)

National Institutes of Health, Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination

Government of Pakistan



(Starting form 16-02-2025)

(Last date of submission is 20-04-2025)

Health Research Institute (HRI) is pleased to advertise the 5th round of “call for proposals”

to promote implementation and Health Systems Research

across the Country in line with its mandate.

Date of Submission of Research Proposal Extended upto 20-04-2025

How to apply:



1.  Applicants shall fill the proposal submission form on prescribed format available at HRI, NIH website ( and submit soft copy

     of proposal, CVs, Questionnaire, Consent/assent forms on email address: not later than 15th March 2025.


2. Principal applicant must be a Health Scientist/Researcher having relevant qualification and experience of conducting health Research.


3. Maximum 02 page CV of each member of research team highlighting the relevant research experience shall be submitted along with



4. A brief of institutional facilities required for execution of the research project available at organization shall also be submitted.


5. The complete proposal shall be duly signed by Principal Investigator and Head of institution of principal applicant.


6. Applicants shall strictly follow the instructions and guidelines defined for proposal submission forms and shall make sure that applications

    are complete in all aspects.


7. Incomplete applications without questionnaire, Consent/assent form (if needed) and those received after due date will not be further



8. Research proposals shall be submitted on Round-5 proposal submission form, proposal submitted on previous versions will not be

    considered for funding.


9. Signed hard copy of the proposal must also be sent on following address:




Health Research Institute,

National Institutes of Health,

Off Constitution Avenue, Opposite Radio Pakistan,

Sector G-5/2, Islamabad.



051-9216773, 051-9207367,

051-9207386 (Ext-31)









Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat, G-5/2

Islamabad, Pakistan

Tel: 00-92-51-9216793, 00-92-51-9207386

Fax: 00-92-51-9216774